Thanks to all the responses. To fix:
1. At the source, pg_dump the 1 table only
2. Drop table at the target
3. Restore at the target
Also saw this:
But I did not have to drop/recreate index at the source.
Maria A Rossi
From: Stanton Schmidt <***>
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 7:52 AM
To: Rossi, Maria <***>
Cc: Laurenz Albe <***>; pgsql-sql <pgsql-***>; pgsql-***
Subject: Re: pg_dumpall and restore
When this happened to me the only explanation I could find was that the original table/index had been corrupted.
The only way to "fix" things was to create a copy of the table and insert select distinct * from orig_table.
Hope this helps.
From: "Rossi, Maria" <***<mailto:***>>
To: "Laurenz Albe" <***<mailto:***>>, "pgsql-sql" <pgsql-***<mailto:pgsql-***>>, "pgsql-***<mailto:pgsql-***>" <pgsql-***<mailto:pgsql-***>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 3:05:59 PM
Subject: RE: pg_dumpall and restore
The table has only 2 columns, name and value.
Select count(*) from table1 at the old database returned 115, on the new database, it returned 117. This a simple select without any WHERE clause.
-----Original Message-----
From: Laurenz Albe <***<mailto:***>>
Sent: Tuesday, October 9, 2018 2:28 PM
To: Rossi, Maria <***<mailto:***>>; 'pgsql-***' <pgsql-***<mailto:pgsql-***>>; 'pgsql-***' <pgsql-***<mailto:pgsql-***>>
Subject: Re: pg_dumpall and restore
Post by Rossi, MariaI upgraded our postgres database from V9.3 to V10.5. Used pg_dumpall then restore it to the new instance.
After the restore, we notice that 1 table had duplicate rows, such that it was not able to create the primary key.
I checked the old database, it does not have the dups.
Has anyone encountered having dups rows loaded? Any idea what caused this and how to prevent?
Your help would be much appreciated.
I don't believe that pg_dumpall miraculously duplicated the row.
You probably *do* have a duplicate row, and hence table corruption, but I suspect that one of the rows is not in the index you used to look for the row.
If you query:
SELECT * FROM tab WHERE id = 42;
the query will likely use the index on "id" and find only one of the rows.
You should
SET enable_indexscan = off;
SET enable_indexonlyscan = off;
and then repeat the query, so that a sequential scan is used.
To fix, delete one of the rows and reindex.
You can identify a row by its tuple id:
SELECT ctid, * FROM tab WHERE id = 42;
Laurenz Albe
Cybertec |